Saturday, November 7, 2020

Mai bine mort decât comunist Romanian Better to be dead than communist

(lyrics by Laura Botolan; music by Cristian Pațurcă):
Mai bine haimana, decât trădător
Mai bine huligan, decât dictator
Mai bine golan, decât activist
Mai bine mort decât comunist"
The song can be translated to English as:
Better to be a tramp than a traitor,
Better to be a hooligan than a dictator,
Better to be a hoodlum than an activist,
Better to be dead than communist" (Source: Wikipedia)
 "MAI BINE MORT DECIT COMUNIST" This Romanian song was born after a long, long, long stretch of horrible tyranny at the end of the Cold War living under brutal communist dictatorship 1989 - Romania - Dictator Ceaușescu & Wife Elena Executed by Firing Squad on X'mas Day - 25/12/89

The great house negro coconut and wigger coalition, these useful idiots for abject worst statism ever on North America, this absolute anathema of the utopian anarchism they supposedly profess ("smash the state" no rulers nor slave masters), these neo-Jonestown pushers of koolaid drinking, who call themselves "anti-fascist" are gonna get all stomped and crushed 1 way or another: EITHER by their handler Democrats and all the rival factions within eventually if Biden gets elected, or a coalition of Constitutionalists Americans 1 way or another. History and Herstory will remember these scum epically for their infamy when they all go down as absolute heartless mindless mobs of commy dipshits 1 way or another.
(lyrics by Laura Botolan; music by Cristian Pațurcă):
Mai bine haimana, decât trădător
Mai bine huligan, decât dictator
Mai bine golan, decât activist
Mai bine mort decât comunist"
The song can be translated to English as:
Better to be a tramp than a traitor,
Better to be a hooligan than a dictator,
Better to be a hoodlum than an activist,
Better to be dead than communist" (Source: Wikipedia)


The great housenegro coconut and wigger coalition, these useful idiots for abject worst statism ever on North America, this absolute anathema of the utopian anarchism they profess (no rulers nor slave masters), these neo-Jonestown pushers of koolaid drinking some, who call themselves "anti-fascist" are gonna get all stomped and crushed 1 way or another: EITHER by their handler Democrats eventually if Biden gets elected, or a coalition of Constitutionalists Americans 1 way or another. History and Herstory will remember these scum epically when they all go down as absolute heartless mindless mobs of commy dipshits 1 way or another.
(lyrics by Laura Botolan; music by Cristian Pațurcă):
Mai bine haimana, decât trădător
Mai bine huligan, decât dictator
Mai bine golan, decât activist
Mai bine mort decât comunist"
The song can be translated to English as:
Better to be a tramp than a traitor,
Better to be a hooligan than a dictator,
Better to be a hoodlum than an activist,
Better to be dead than communist" (Source: Wikipedia)


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