Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Interesting alleged facts about the LGBT community

"Interesting facts about the LGBT community "

@alane69 who the fuck gathers, compiles and writes these stats? (not to say they don't have some truth of disturbing trends)just saying the research for accuracy would be staggering. You ever know anyone whose been victimized by gay pedophiles when they were children or meet someone who you never hardly suspected before you later discovered they were a covert gay pedophiles? The Sex offenders are usually very covert and overtly adult heterosexual like Jerry Sandusky and countless other politicians (some lesbian pedophiles like Hillary Clinton).
Alan Edward ☑️
Alan Edward ☑️
Original Gabber
Meme Warfare
I do know somebody who has been victimised they also told me many home truths about the gay scene and the practices that go on.

Meme Warfare
@alane69 I don't like to have to write about this shit, but there's all sorts of public swimming locations to cool off in the summer in West Coast States and probably elsewhere in North America and Europe that are "clothing optional" where its usually bisexual or homosexual men shamelessly doing their lewd activities. Its a damn shame they're not all arrested and hauled off to a prison for sex offender rehabilitation, or altogether getting the living shit kicked out of the ones doing that in front of children.
Own up to your Heterophobia
Alan Edward ☑️

I have noticed where I live these people have gone to ground, they have picked up on the fact we are all sick to death of them and they know exactly what is coming, some have even packed up and left for safe spaces elsewhere.
People need to make it far more obvious they will no longer tolerate this degenerate behaviour in public or you can just sit back do nothing and tolerate it.
You don't tolerate evil you destroy it, make them pay in blood they will soon get the message!

spiralcosmosart@alane69 My whistleblowing story is an open book because words of truth are the greatest weapons. There's only so much sentiments I can publish without incriminating myself were I to go off the vigilante deep end and " make "them pay with blood" with my own hands, but you're absolutely right in this matter:

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