Thursday, April 30, 2020

American Indians kissing white libtard ass

"Captain Trips" along with Chase Iron Eyes kissing white libtard ass here are a couple of cowardly little idiots who knows nothing about me calling me "Wannabe".  I was never at the Oceti 2016 camps nor having anything to do with Pretendindian Libtardery white guilt Whities' deception half you compromised cointelpro sellout traitor ole' AIMster Gangster cointelpro detritus straight from Dennis Banks's dead ass  just absolutely love in your company of heedless of the Warnings Malcolm X made about "The white Liberal".  You love the white libtard  fraud /commie lgbtp pedophile pushing for volunteer genocide and calling it "2 spirit".   Thank God I know American Indian spirituality and advocacy doesn't revolve around these high publicity ass kissers.