Monday, October 5, 2020

Communism by design begins with a pretense or pretext of a mob of assholes



 OPEN SEASON ON LIBTARDS  these people don't give a fuck about ending fascism, nor think anylives matter: , not blacklives nor white lives except whatever life you can call stupified mindless brainwashed shocked and disturbed walking corpses following a massive hoard of dipshit zombies in total groupthink gladly pushing genocide:

 from GAB


mentioned you in their post·
@spiralcosmosart Exactly! Their world domination overlords convinced their own militant rioters (Antifa) to wear masks long before covid! Antifa terrorists gladly accept the notion of wearing a mask to remove their individuality and dehumanize themselves. That’s literally how much of brainwashed zombies they are. Craziness what we allowed to happen in our schools that made them turn out this way. Parents too busy working and dealing with divorce and single-parenthood to notice! #homeschool"  "

Caught and released from jail almost immediately?  Why ?

No  assaulting a cop is not normally something that would entail impunity and slap-on the wrist release from jail like this at all.  The little scuffles I had with cops in the 1990's resulted in some pretty severe beat downs relative to this white libtard ape.  I guess a case could be made that white libtard privilege over blacks is real?  with the irony being some conservative whites wave the blue striped cop flag. This is unprecedented agenda politics gone absolutely made.
Communism by design, is, was, and always begins with a pretense or pretext of a  mob convinced they're resisting agreeing to being the slave class (proletariat verses the Bourgois) followed by such mob in turn agreeing to massively destroying the lives of as many free and self reliant people as absolutely possible. Its so true. You all know it. That's what the Holodomor was and that's exactly what these assholes who think they're ending racism via "black lives matter" fraud & antifa are doing to America. Meanwhile Bourgois assholes, the real white supremacists (Bill Gates, the entire American CDC health Administration, big pharma are loving you P.O.S.'s as complete useful dumbf-ing idiots). You, yes you antifa gangster B.L.M. rioting dipshits. . who are disgrace to African American human beings and. You're all a bunch mindless idiots who deserve every subhuman racist politically incorrect word to ridicule you as complete mindless dumbasses that you were and always will be. Here's a new game for you all: Play mix and match word jumble anagram connect the prefix & suffix scrabble. GFYS "NI" "C. ant" U. nderstand N. ormal T . . . hinking to all you butt ugly msiandrist feminists whores . . . cra-'. "wi-" ----cker ----gger

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