Friday, January 8, 2021

Oregon and elsewhere the infernal face tampons of Kate

CURRENT NON-POLITICAL CONSERVATIVE MORAL HUMANITARIAN PRINCIPLES 101 towards the Scamdemic and against Commy bullshet: There's a world of difference between "black lives matter" the slogan, "black lives matter" the group founded by misandrist feminists pushing lgbtqpedophile  coercing onto children affiliated with antifa masked thugs, and the genuine African Americans seeking the advancement and dignity of their heritage, free from house negro deception, along with the equality of sexes espoused from the Likes of Malcolm X. if you haven't pondered the 3 as distinctly different, you're just prattling towing the commy line. I'm not here to favor 1 race over the other by skin color, despite this being a white advocacy group beyond the fact that I just so happen to be at least 83% DNA from White Northern European regions. Don't like that? In that case I don't suppose you care to see anymore comments of mine either by now. Especially you won't read comments, if you haven't already felt offended by me daring to say that Covid19 is a scamdemic orchestrated by politicians in bed with 1. quacks 2. greedy big pharma, 3. deceived lazy and junk food addicted people. if it wasn't a scammed theyd' be promoting organic biodiverse nutritional balance healing by diet, exercise, rest, and activity with like a brilliant health conscious athlete (like world famous athlete Wim Hof the ice man . By the way, You're not reading the words of a Trump voter or Trump supporter telling you all this and that anyone would apply that stereotype towards these sentiments only shows your true libtard colors.

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