Friday, January 15, 2021

re: Fritz Springmeier's defense of Donald Trump


UPDATE 15 JAN 21. Remember our recent past presidents? A series of traitorous thieves who used their positions of power to get filthy rich, all except our current one President Trump, who in contrast took no salary and served us as a public service. He laboriously fought traitors on all sides to undo the damage done to our nation by past administrations.
Now the big Illuminati-controlled companies & banks are in a killing frenzy to wipe out President Trump's finances. And traitors to this nation in his own party joined the demonrats to impeach him. There are so many Benedict Arnolds in Wash. D.C. they should rename it Arnold City. One thing this nation is not in short supply is traitors willing to sell out their country. As Christ said "Father forgive them for they know not what they do."
For the last decade, I have repeatedly warned about Red China. They are close to winning. I warned long ago they were waging war against us (not in the traditional sense of shooting guns, but in other ways). I have long warned of their connection to the Illuminati. This is why for instance you see Franklin Graham supporting Biden. Franklin, son of Billy Graham, is following his father's footsteps as an Illuminati puppet. Biden got filthy rich by selling our country to Red China. The Illuminati has long planned to take America down, and use Red China to this end.
NOT A PRETTY PICTURE. The state of the union is not a pretty picture. We can turn to previous times in other places where God's people found themselves in dire circumstances. And we can acknowledge that Christians in other lands, for instance, North Korea & Red China, are already in the kind of mess we're headed to. We can look at these other examples and learn lessons. May God bless you my friend. Thanks for all the good sharing on the threads of my posts! Again God's love to you all."
If only it was a simple matter of old Donald's hands being clean and free from all complicity and wrong doing, while the big bad horrible commy left libtardery misunderstands him. With 1 hand Don honours a certain ethnic group and with the other he totally stabs some of the fiercest historically greatest allies against the hoard of Mexicans gangster pathology we see today in its Drug Cartels. These American Indians are the most persecuted by the illuminati They were stabbed in the back shortly after the fraud election Oh and the Scamdemic? Yeah Trump was just innocently naively fooled by Fauci wasn't he? and really had no bloody hands failing these principles Fritz? QUOTE: "...everything on Earth has a purpose, every disease an herb to cure it, and every person a mission." This in the Indian theory of existence." - Mourning Dove Salish, 1888-1936 Vitamins (especially c&d), essential nutrients, herbs, good diet, exercise & rest balanced saves lives! The politicians are in bed with 1. big pharma 2. quack medical mafia, & 3. duped junkfood addicts who CREATE CUSTOMERS NOT CURES! Even after the Orange man got the virus. Its not his fault he made decisions that gave the libtards ammunition to claim he was a halfwit tool. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE, January 12, 2021 APACHE SUE TO PROTECT RELIGIOUS FREEDOM, SAVE OAK FLAT SACRED AREA FROM DESTRUCTION BY FOREIGN MINING COMPANY FYI White supremacists & racial Seperatists. 1 faction of Apache, the Chiricahua historically resisted Mexico and the Spanish Conquistadors for Centuries (Roman Catholic Vaticans / jesuits inquisiton) fiercely. By the standards of true self respecting White Nationalists ( those with roots from Northern Central Europe -- the Scandinavian & German Tribes who resisted the Roman Empire and eventually defeated that) , these Apache people would see these people as Allies. All that "build the wall" 2016 rhetoric from Donald Trump promising an end to A lot of the insane world of shit, you all love to hate from unbridled Mexican immigration, drug cartel & pedophile human trafficking, kind of gets blown in the wind and the face logic when the disgraced hypocritical Orange Man didn't give a fuck about giving these Apache people a break. They're a society which values teaching their youth right from wrong free from being raped and abused and pimped out free from the Narco-Pimp Satanic perverts of Mexico t
Rio Tinto is a Redcoat / Chinese enterprise. It doesn't belong here in North America by your own John Birch Society good ole' boy Patriot standards for those in that camp in the USA.
Unfortunately The Apache resistance was met with more insane subjugation, humiliation and cruelty recently.
Its sad because a lot of Trumps support might've been a bit better if it didn't truly deliver such true ammunition for the libtards crying racism for being such an assholes totally against Indigineous peoples:
free from being raped and abused and pimped out free from the Narco-Pimp Satanic perverts of Mexico
The white Nationalists here on Gab and elsewhere online are heartless hypocritical idiots if they can write this " We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children " and pretends that doesn't carry the weight of karma of a Universal Conservative principle to educate children of all races with similar goals. You really are heartless scum to have that kind of exclusiveness, that schadenfreude

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