Saturday, December 19, 2020

RE: Day 2 - Permaculture and the Pandemic with Mark Robinowitz

 30:20 they're complaining about 100billionaire Jeff Bezos & possibly Bill Gates too? and yet denying the scamdemic as compliant lockdown pushers? Newsflash scamdemic deniers: Lockdown made Amazon profits obscenely extreme in His favor, lacking unions and profit shares for plebian workers at amazon? Who in your audience is fooled at your cognitive dissonance?




RE: Day 2 - Permaculture and the Pandemic with Mark Robinowitz


So its as though at least the first 10 minutes of this is nothing but elated pride of all these involuntary austerity measures and decline in the standards of living as a result of Covid19 lockdowns ? Its good to hear this agenda being towed and being blatantly pushed and how insipidly. cynical the smiling complacent arrogant dystopian people are in guise of environmentalist permaculture advocacy. 


Their literature denies

Vitamins (C&D especially), herbs, good diet & other diverse essential nutrients along with proper exercise and rest saves lives and won't admit those personal choises are the abundant fruit of organic permaculture that prevents disease. 

 The politicians, The World Health Organization, the CDC, FDA, are ALL in bed with a TRIPLE THREAT: 1. greedy big pharma 2. Quack medical mafia, & 3. duped junkfood addicts. Its not a conspiracy that we're all in 1 big Scamdemic, especially when methods to be athletic (such as gyms) are being shutdown. The "austerity measure" that's beneficial (albeit somewhat wrongfully coerced) is refraining from junkfood and growing and eating healthfood or dying. That triple threat combination creates customers for that complex parasite industries pushing poison vaccines, not cures for covid19, not qualities of life. Those parasites in power, those neo-communists, are the true "carbon footprint" anathema to humanity. We are in the midsts of a scamdemic. Its 1 big scam. 

The 6 stages of awareness and the stage 1 denial phase is what the condescending neo-communists genocidal ivory tower naval ponderers are pushing. Its disturbing to watch conniving snobs fail to accept that and live in an arrogant elite condescending bubble, if for only 1 purpose to denounce them all as communist charlatan scumbags. Some of the best Doctors into herbal natural cures are treated as total criminals well aware of these natural principles of immunity, along with lock down protestors as criminals. Some of the best athletes of mind over matter facing adversity (Wim Hof) is being ignored. Its a disgrace this ridiculous lack of free thought and total group think has to be so incredibly blatantly arrogant and popular, utterly lacking principles of truth, justice, and humanitarian freedom. They wan't no life, liberty, nor true happiness. They want death, stockholm sydndrome slaves, and essentially the genocidal sickness of pyramid scheme gone horribly wrong.

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