Sunday, August 27, 2017

Some Questions regarding Jan Irvin and Joe Atwill exposing HippySpoiledBrat America

Main Question regarding Jan Irvin and Joe Atwill exposing HippySpoiledBrat Celebrity Propaganda America pushing LSD, the CIA's MKUltra etc. etc. etc. etc.  

There's a big difference between being cruel and spiking someone's drink unwittingly, verses hyping a drug for benefits and making deceptive claims.  Did Ken Kesey and his band of Pranksters ever slip LSD or any Drug in someone's drink unwittingly?

I have hard time condemning even drug dealers peddling the most dangerous drugs illegal or legal, if there is good accurate information about the risk to the customers.  Addiction in America has a far amount of responsibility far, far, far beyond just the salespitch promoters, rather consider the customers and users of the drugs or activity that makes them such complete suckers. 
"The Word Was Rape"
By Zane Kesey
"The Pranksters never dosed anyone unknowingly, they were not about that. At "The Tests" they weren't the one's who were supplying it, it was usually Owsley. They would announce, "okay over here in this garbage can there's Kool-Aid" in this. Over here we have regular drink with nothing in it."
Since then people have gotten this notion that dosing people is "pranking." The Pranksters were so against that. They even had a word for it, that word was "rape."
Acid and sex can be this wonderful thing. Either one of them you can be with somebody and have the best time of your life and really get to know somebody.
But if you force it on somebody that's a whole different thing. You're now potentially changing their life forever. We really want to reach out to people and say that even if somebody enjoys it afterwards, it's still not a good thing."
*excerpt of my radio interview with ZK from October 2016 on Powertalk, an internet broadcasting network

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