Stephen Cosmos Arthur
I guess the one burning question from Jan Irvin and Joseph Atwill is whether or not they give a fuck to talk about the…
Jan Irvin Stephen Cosmos Arthur,
Wow, these idiots have clearly never read my work. Albert Hofmann invented LSD? Bwahahahaha! That's hilarious. They should at least read SOME Of my work.
"Though like many of those associated with the origins of the psychedelic movement, Albert Hofmann is called “divine,” evidence has come to light which exposes him as both a CIA and French Intelligence operative. Hofmann helped the agency dose the French village Pont Saint Esprit with LSD. As a result five people died and Hofmann helped to cover up the crime. The LSD event at Pont Saint Esprit led to the famous murder of Frank Olson by the CIA because he had threatened to go public. It was the exposure of Olson’s murder and his involvement with the MK-ULTRA program that caused the national uproar leading to the Church Commission.[36]
Incredibly, a paper to be published in Time and Mind this July by English researcher Alan Piper shows that LSD was known about years before Albert Hofmann supposedly “invented” it on 16 November 1938 (Hofmann claims to have not been aware of LSD’s properties until 16 April 1943). Piper has noted that in 1933 Jewish author Leo Perutz wrote the novel Saint Peter’s Snow, wherein a new drug made from a fungus from wheat is secretly tested and used in a failed attempt to bring about a return of religious beliefs and return a Roman Emperor to his throne, with a priest who warns that it’s instead the worship of Molech. Rather than a return of Christian belief, the book ends in a communist rebellion. The relationship between psychedelics and communist or socialist political leanings is not uncommon and should be noted. Piper sees the parallelism between Perutz’s psychedelic drug and LSD as an unsolved mystery, but provides cultural historical background to the conception of the novel and the scientific study of ergot. The authors maintain that in light of the evidence showing that the psychedelic movement was part of a multi-generational plan, Perutz’s book clearly shows an awareness of that agenda. It’s ironic too that Perutz chooses the name of St Peter’s Snow for the title of the book from the following quote, as it states on page 93 that “in the Alps it was called St Peter’s Snow” and of course the Alps are primarily in Switzerland – where Hofmann supposedly invented the drug:
A few months later I came across the incomparably more important testimony of Dionysus the Areopagite, a fourth-century Christian Neo-Platonist, who states in one of his works that he imposed a two-day fast on the members of his community, who longed for the real presence of God, and he then regaled them with “bread made with holy flour.” […]
I came across an ancient Roman rural priests’ song, a solemn invocation of Marmar or Mavor, who at that time was not yet the bloodthirsty god of war but the peaceful protector of the fields. ‘Let your white frost invade the crop so that they acknowledge thy power,’ it said. Like all priests, Roman rural priests knew the secret of the hallucinogenic drug that produces a state of ecstasy in which people ‘become seeing’ and ‘acknowledge the power of the god’. The white frost was not a kind of wheat, but a wheat disease, a parasite, a fungus that invaded the wheat and fed on its substance.” […]
“There are many kinds of parasitic fungi,” the baron went on, “the ascomycetes, the phycomycetes, and the basidiomycetes. In his Synopsis Fungorum Bargin describes more than a hundred varieties, and nowadays his work is regarded as out-of-date. But among that hundred I had identified the only one that produces ecstatic effects when it is introduced into human food and thus finds its way into the human organism.” […]
There is – or was – a wheat disease that was often described in earlier centuries and was known by a different name wherever it appeared. In Spain it was called Mary Magdalene’s Plait, in Alsace it was known as Poor Soul’s Dew. In Adam of Cremona’s Physician’s Book it was called Misericord Seed, and in the Alps it was called St Peter’s Snow.[37]
The book continues later on with the same theme we’re discussing here, where two of the main characters of the plot argue over whether they should test the drug on themselves:
I did not at first realize that she was talking about the baron. “I’ve been quarrelling with him,” she went on. “A very serious quarrel. With whom? The baron, of course, about the hallucinogen. He maintained that we two, he and I, should not take it, but I disagreed. We were the leaders, he said, we must remain clear-headed and dispassionate and be above things, our task was to lead and not be carried away. That’s what the quarrel was about. I said that being above it meant being out of it, and just because he was the leader he must feel and think what the crowd thought and felt.[…]” [38]
Later in the story we discover that the woman, Bibiche, who created and tried the drug, is the one who headed the communist rebellion."
"And though this topic deserves an entire article, it appears that Arthur Stoll, Albert Hofmann's boss at Sandoz, is really who invented LSD – sometime between 1918 and 1933. Hofmann was just a cover story – and, apparently, another CIA asset.
Wasson said that Albert Hofmann “worked in some way with the CIA” and that Hofmann’s “discoveries were imparted in whole by Sandoz to the U.S. government. Sandoz wanted to be on the right side of things.” Hofmann’s connection to the CIA has never been officially confirmed by the CIA, which maintains a policy of not commenting on or revealing information on foreign citizens who find their way into its employment.[106]
~Hank Albarelli
To his credit, Hank Abarelli (discussed more below) exposed Hofmann as likely being a CIA asset in his book A Terrible Mistake. And obviously if Hofmann was CIA “personnel,” then Moore couldn’t have been the only “mole”. Hofmann was also at Pont-Saint-Esprit, as first exposed by Fuller:
Much overlooked in Fuller’s book is a brief section noting the presence of Sandoz Company researcher Dr. Albert Hofmann in Pont-St.-Esprit during the summer of 1951. Hofmann himself has briefly, and parenthetically, mentioned the French outbreak in his own book, LSD: My Problem Child, first published in 1979, but for some reason, he does not mention that he was in the town of Pont-St.-Esprit in the days immediately following the outbreak.[107]
~ Hank Albarelli
Furthermore, In Manufacturing the Deadhead, 2013, Joe Atwill and I exposed that it’s highly unlikely that Hofmann had actually invented LSD, which was known about at least 5 years before his so called discovery of it.[108]"
ManageWow, these idiots have clearly never read my work. Albert Hofmann invented LSD? Bwahahahaha! That's hilarious. They should at least read SOME Of my work.
"Though like many of those associated with the origins of the psychedelic movement, Albert Hofmann is called “divine,” evidence has come to light which exposes him as both a CIA and French Intelligence operative. Hofmann helped the agency dose the French village Pont Saint Esprit with LSD. As a result five people died and Hofmann helped to cover up the crime. The LSD event at Pont Saint Esprit led to the famous murder of Frank Olson by the CIA because he had threatened to go public. It was the exposure of Olson’s murder and his involvement with the MK-ULTRA program that caused the national uproar leading to the Church Commission.[36]
Incredibly, a paper to be published in Time and Mind this July by English researcher Alan Piper shows that LSD was known about years before Albert Hofmann supposedly “invented” it on 16 November 1938 (Hofmann claims to have not been aware of LSD’s properties until 16 April 1943). Piper has noted that in 1933 Jewish author Leo Perutz wrote the novel Saint Peter’s Snow, wherein a new drug made from a fungus from wheat is secretly tested and used in a failed attempt to bring about a return of religious beliefs and return a Roman Emperor to his throne, with a priest who warns that it’s instead the worship of Molech. Rather than a return of Christian belief, the book ends in a communist rebellion. The relationship between psychedelics and communist or socialist political leanings is not uncommon and should be noted. Piper sees the parallelism between Perutz’s psychedelic drug and LSD as an unsolved mystery, but provides cultural historical background to the conception of the novel and the scientific study of ergot. The authors maintain that in light of the evidence showing that the psychedelic movement was part of a multi-generational plan, Perutz’s book clearly shows an awareness of that agenda. It’s ironic too that Perutz chooses the name of St Peter’s Snow for the title of the book from the following quote, as it states on page 93 that “in the Alps it was called St Peter’s Snow” and of course the Alps are primarily in Switzerland – where Hofmann supposedly invented the drug:
A few months later I came across the incomparably more important testimony of Dionysus the Areopagite, a fourth-century Christian Neo-Platonist, who states in one of his works that he imposed a two-day fast on the members of his community, who longed for the real presence of God, and he then regaled them with “bread made with holy flour.” […]
I came across an ancient Roman rural priests’ song, a solemn invocation of Marmar or Mavor, who at that time was not yet the bloodthirsty god of war but the peaceful protector of the fields. ‘Let your white frost invade the crop so that they acknowledge thy power,’ it said. Like all priests, Roman rural priests knew the secret of the hallucinogenic drug that produces a state of ecstasy in which people ‘become seeing’ and ‘acknowledge the power of the god’. The white frost was not a kind of wheat, but a wheat disease, a parasite, a fungus that invaded the wheat and fed on its substance.” […]
“There are many kinds of parasitic fungi,” the baron went on, “the ascomycetes, the phycomycetes, and the basidiomycetes. In his Synopsis Fungorum Bargin describes more than a hundred varieties, and nowadays his work is regarded as out-of-date. But among that hundred I had identified the only one that produces ecstatic effects when it is introduced into human food and thus finds its way into the human organism.” […]
There is – or was – a wheat disease that was often described in earlier centuries and was known by a different name wherever it appeared. In Spain it was called Mary Magdalene’s Plait, in Alsace it was known as Poor Soul’s Dew. In Adam of Cremona’s Physician’s Book it was called Misericord Seed, and in the Alps it was called St Peter’s Snow.[37]
The book continues later on with the same theme we’re discussing here, where two of the main characters of the plot argue over whether they should test the drug on themselves:
I did not at first realize that she was talking about the baron. “I’ve been quarrelling with him,” she went on. “A very serious quarrel. With whom? The baron, of course, about the hallucinogen. He maintained that we two, he and I, should not take it, but I disagreed. We were the leaders, he said, we must remain clear-headed and dispassionate and be above things, our task was to lead and not be carried away. That’s what the quarrel was about. I said that being above it meant being out of it, and just because he was the leader he must feel and think what the crowd thought and felt.[…]” [38]
Later in the story we discover that the woman, Bibiche, who created and tried the drug, is the one who headed the communist rebellion."
"And though this topic deserves an entire article, it appears that Arthur Stoll, Albert Hofmann's boss at Sandoz, is really who invented LSD – sometime between 1918 and 1933. Hofmann was just a cover story – and, apparently, another CIA asset.
Wasson said that Albert Hofmann “worked in some way with the CIA” and that Hofmann’s “discoveries were imparted in whole by Sandoz to the U.S. government. Sandoz wanted to be on the right side of things.” Hofmann’s connection to the CIA has never been officially confirmed by the CIA, which maintains a policy of not commenting on or revealing information on foreign citizens who find their way into its employment.[106]
~Hank Albarelli
To his credit, Hank Abarelli (discussed more below) exposed Hofmann as likely being a CIA asset in his book A Terrible Mistake. And obviously if Hofmann was CIA “personnel,” then Moore couldn’t have been the only “mole”. Hofmann was also at Pont-Saint-Esprit, as first exposed by Fuller:
Much overlooked in Fuller’s book is a brief section noting the presence of Sandoz Company researcher Dr. Albert Hofmann in Pont-St.-Esprit during the summer of 1951. Hofmann himself has briefly, and parenthetically, mentioned the French outbreak in his own book, LSD: My Problem Child, first published in 1979, but for some reason, he does not mention that he was in the town of Pont-St.-Esprit in the days immediately following the outbreak.[107]
~ Hank Albarelli
Furthermore, In Manufacturing the Deadhead, 2013, Joe Atwill and I exposed that it’s highly unlikely that Hofmann had actually invented LSD, which was known about at least 5 years before his so called discovery of it.[108]"
Jan Irvin Stephen Cosmos Arthur:
"And though his version of events is obviously distorted, too, here’s how Dr. Willis Harmon, an SRI (Stanford Research Institute) researcher, and MKULTRA man for the CIA, told his version of the origins of LSD, psilocybin, and MKULTRA, on Australian ABC radio in 1977:
The story really starts way back in 1935 with a group of followers of the German mystic Rudolf Steiner who lived in a village in Southern Germany. In 1935 a dark cloud was over Europe so the members of this group set out very deliberately to synthesize chemicals which were like the natural vegetable substances which they were well aware had been used in all the world’s major religious traditions down through the centuries. By 1938 they had synthesized psilocybin, LSD and about thirty other drugs. They had stopped to think about the consequences of letting all this loose, and decided against it. They decided that they were not sure what the negative effects of the drugs would be and that it just wasn’t a very wise thing to do.
Five years later, in 1943, when Europe was really in bad shape, they decided apparently that possible negative consequences were nothing compared to the consequences of not doing this.
Now, two members of this group, which lived in a very tight religious community, were in the Sandoz chemical company – that’s partly how this project came to be. One of them was the chemist Dr. Albert Hofmann. He cooked up the newspaper story, that everyone has heard now, about the accidental ingestion of LSD and the realization of what its properties were after an amazing bicycle ride home and the visions and so on. This group quietly gave supplies of the chemical to a number of doctors around the world… [109] [emphasis added] ~ Willis Harmon"
Manage"And though his version of events is obviously distorted, too, here’s how Dr. Willis Harmon, an SRI (Stanford Research Institute) researcher, and MKULTRA man for the CIA, told his version of the origins of LSD, psilocybin, and MKULTRA, on Australian ABC radio in 1977:
The story really starts way back in 1935 with a group of followers of the German mystic Rudolf Steiner who lived in a village in Southern Germany. In 1935 a dark cloud was over Europe so the members of this group set out very deliberately to synthesize chemicals which were like the natural vegetable substances which they were well aware had been used in all the world’s major religious traditions down through the centuries. By 1938 they had synthesized psilocybin, LSD and about thirty other drugs. They had stopped to think about the consequences of letting all this loose, and decided against it. They decided that they were not sure what the negative effects of the drugs would be and that it just wasn’t a very wise thing to do.
Five years later, in 1943, when Europe was really in bad shape, they decided apparently that possible negative consequences were nothing compared to the consequences of not doing this.
Now, two members of this group, which lived in a very tight religious community, were in the Sandoz chemical company – that’s partly how this project came to be. One of them was the chemist Dr. Albert Hofmann. He cooked up the newspaper story, that everyone has heard now, about the accidental ingestion of LSD and the realization of what its properties were after an amazing bicycle ride home and the visions and so on. This group quietly gave supplies of the chemical to a number of doctors around the world… [109] [emphasis added] ~ Willis Harmon"
Jan Irvin You might post the above in there, Stephen Cosmos Arthur. As well as I should point out that Ken Babbs cited on that page was one of the original Merry Pranksters, and therefore he's CIA.
Ken Kesey wasn't some form of warrior or genius as you falsely claim. He was simply following the CIA's blueprint provided for him. He was a hack. A fraud.
"Ken Kesey was a genius and a warrior but had his limits due to threats to his own family and agendas."
Here are just some of Kesey's intelligence connections:
ManageKen Kesey wasn't some form of warrior or genius as you falsely claim. He was simply following the CIA's blueprint provided for him. He was a hack. A fraud.
"Ken Kesey was a genius and a warrior but had his limits due to threats to his own family and agendas."
Here are just some of Kesey's intelligence connections:
Jan Irvin Kesey's handler, Stephen Cosmos Arthur, was apparently Marion David Pettie of the CIA.
Kesey also worked directly with Aldous Huxley who was the key architect of MKULTRA, and Gregory Bateson who helped found the CIA. We also know Tim Leary and the others were CIA.
Boy, what a bunch of know-nothing clowns on that page.
"I proceeded as an intelligence agent since 1962, understanding that the next war for control of this planet and beyond, had to do with the control of consciousness."
[...] "Yes," he answered strongly. "I was a witting agent of the CIA..."
[...] "So, you work for the Central Intelligence Agency?" I asked. "Is it the Deputy Director of Plans you work for? Who makes out your checks?"
"It's none of your business to know how those things work. I'll answer you no questions that have to do with business. I'll answer you any question about history or people..."[55]
~ Walter Bowart interviewing Timothy Leary
Our undercover agents in Los Angeles were very cool about, uh, and yet they did more in a very laid-back way, uh, and it's never been as public as some of the other, you know, the buses running around the country painted in dayglow.
~ Timothy Leary
Right here agent Leary admits Kesey and the Pranksters are CIA...
Ken Babbs was a Prankster... get my drift?
ManageKesey also worked directly with Aldous Huxley who was the key architect of MKULTRA, and Gregory Bateson who helped found the CIA. We also know Tim Leary and the others were CIA.
Boy, what a bunch of know-nothing clowns on that page.
"I proceeded as an intelligence agent since 1962, understanding that the next war for control of this planet and beyond, had to do with the control of consciousness."
[...] "Yes," he answered strongly. "I was a witting agent of the CIA..."
[...] "So, you work for the Central Intelligence Agency?" I asked. "Is it the Deputy Director of Plans you work for? Who makes out your checks?"
"It's none of your business to know how those things work. I'll answer you no questions that have to do with business. I'll answer you any question about history or people..."[55]
~ Walter Bowart interviewing Timothy Leary
Our undercover agents in Los Angeles were very cool about, uh, and yet they did more in a very laid-back way, uh, and it's never been as public as some of the other, you know, the buses running around the country painted in dayglow.
~ Timothy Leary
Right here agent Leary admits Kesey and the Pranksters are CIA...
Ken Babbs was a Prankster... get my drift?
Stephen Cosmos Arthur You have more work than I know where to start Jan Irvin. I get it "controlled opposition", but then who isn't "contolled opposition" to some degree or another except for complete martyrs who walk on water?
Jan Irvin Stephen Cosmos Arthur
Start with article one, and read through article 5.. .that will give you the foundation.
ManageStart with article one, and read through article 5.. .that will give you the foundation.
Jan Irvin Stephen Cosmos Arthur Use the trivium and always check citations. It's actually pretty simple to figure out who's lying and who tells the truth.
You have to realize who are just agents, and who are real journalists.
Truth does exist. You can know and verify facts. Check each citation on its own. Agents and spin writers hate primary citations, and generally cite each other... see paper 5 in the series.
So you think that everyone is just paid by the CIA to lie? That's of course, absurd.
" but then who isn't "contolled opposition" to some degree or another"
Controlled opposition and counterintelligence agents are paid to mislead people, and get people to lose their self-esteem in looking up and discovering facts... throwing up our arms and saying "opinions are like assholes. We can't know the truth"
A contradiction is ALWAYS a lie or an error.
ManageYou have to realize who are just agents, and who are real journalists.
Truth does exist. You can know and verify facts. Check each citation on its own. Agents and spin writers hate primary citations, and generally cite each other... see paper 5 in the series.
So you think that everyone is just paid by the CIA to lie? That's of course, absurd.
" but then who isn't "contolled opposition" to some degree or another"
Controlled opposition and counterintelligence agents are paid to mislead people, and get people to lose their self-esteem in looking up and discovering facts... throwing up our arms and saying "opinions are like assholes. We can't know the truth"
A contradiction is ALWAYS a lie or an error.
The Trivium method: (pertains to mind) – the…
Stephen Cosmos Arthur There's a Judas and underhandedness in EVERY revolution and some backfires and makes them a lot worse than before the "revolution" started. Ken Kesey was not a purely evil malevolent asshole. I get it He was well connected with a goodole boy network of deception. But he wrote FICTION NOVELS and never denied that.
Stephen Cosmos Arthur ONE Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest was an illustration about issues of Matriarchal abuse of power & authority verses Patriarchal abuse of power & authority. Complexities of racism stockholm syndrome (Half Breed Indian from Columbia River basin, House negroes etc.). A fitting allegory& prophecy of Obama administration followed by a nation divided between Hillary & The Donald pushing DAPL. And you might call that something like "predictive peogramming" / propaganda and others prophecy! And you'd both be right Jan Irvin.
Stephen Cosmos Arthur I actually sat & listened to Ken Kesey's wife Fay & some quotes & audio from others in that family here in Lane County Oregon who all swear and vouch for Ken's benevolent character as a good family man, who taught good work ethic to Zane & Jed, & his daughterSunshine. This a sweet benevolent children's story reminscent of David verses Goliath if you dis this Jan Irvin you're not accounting for the good, bad, & ugly completely.
Stephen Cosmos Arthur MORE ISSUES RANTS Jan Irving with all your exposays on these clandestine agent controlled opposition celebrities / lifetime actors: (60's counterculture icons). I disagree with you if you insist they all all of a sudden wake up in their youth and decide " I am gonna answer to some asshole authority cult in the CIA or somedark sinister secret society for the rest of my life . Its seems to me their talents get noticed by powers that should not be and they get gradually groomed with pride to sellout and go along to get along accepting bribes from handlers. In Ken Kesey 's case I threw out the idea that his son Jed was bumped off as a warning. Way before that Ken Kesey was jailed and had legal problems ending a lot of Magic bus travels.
Jan Irvin Stephen Cosmos Arthur yeah, many agents wrote novels. That's entirely irrelevant. The head of MKULTRA was Aldous Huxley, a fiction writer.
You should watch our show on One Flew Over the Cuckoo's nest as we debunk your assumptions.
The douche creep also helped destroy millions of lives.
You seem to create rather bogus attacks on our work without first studying it and grasping the concepts.
ManageYou should watch our show on One Flew Over the Cuckoo's nest as we debunk your assumptions.
The douche creep also helped destroy millions of lives.
You seem to create rather bogus attacks on our work without first studying it and grasping the concepts.
Jan Irvin Stephen Cosmos Arthur I hope you'll at least learn and read the articles already linked to you rather than creating such wild straw man false presentations of our work and the evidence.
" I disagree with you if you insist they all of a sudden wake up in their youth and decide " I am gonna answer to some asshole authority cult in the CIA or somedark sinister secret society. Its seems to me their talents get noticed and they get gradually groomed with pride to sellout and go along to get along accepting bribes from handlers."
Before you disagree with your own false assumptions over things you haven't studied and don't yet grasp, study them first.
It's clear you have your heroes and don't understand how intel works.
Yes, the CIA controls most 'stars' whether music, TV, movies, plays, authors, etc.
Kesey was an agent. Spend a few hours studying his background and start to grasp the concepts rather than leaping to false conclusions based on false assumptions.
Manage" I disagree with you if you insist they all of a sudden wake up in their youth and decide " I am gonna answer to some asshole authority cult in the CIA or somedark sinister secret society. Its seems to me their talents get noticed and they get gradually groomed with pride to sellout and go along to get along accepting bribes from handlers."
Before you disagree with your own false assumptions over things you haven't studied and don't yet grasp, study them first.
It's clear you have your heroes and don't understand how intel works.
Yes, the CIA controls most 'stars' whether music, TV, movies, plays, authors, etc.
Kesey was an agent. Spend a few hours studying his background and start to grasp the concepts rather than leaping to false conclusions based on false assumptions.
Jan Irvin Allen Ginsberg - CIA, a Fiction writer and poet, William S. Burroughs, a writer and poet, Aldous Huxley, CIA and MI6 - a writer, Ken Kesey - CIA, a writer. Shit, I bet I could come up with a hundred examples in an hour of CIA authors if I put my mind to it.
Do you actually believe, Stephen Cosmos Arthur, that the CIA doesn't try to control what the public thinks through books and media?
Unfortunately you were already debunked in the citations provided to you hours ago. At the start of article 5 that was provided to you:
" ‘Books differ from all other propaganda media,’ wrote a chief of the CIA’s Covert Action Staff, ‘primarily because one single book can significantly change the reader’s attitude and action to an extent unmatched by the impact of any other single medium [such as to] make books the most important weapon of strategic (long-range) propaganda.’ The CIA’s clandestine books programme was run, according to the same source, with the following aims in mind: ‘Get books published or distributed abroad without revealing any U.S. influence, by covertly subsidizing foreign publications or booksellers. Get books published which should not be “contaminated” by any overt tie-in with the U.S. government, especially if the position of the author is “delicate”. Get books published for operational reasons, regardless of commercial viability. Initiate and subsidize indigenous national or international organizations for book publishing or distributing purposes. Stimulate the writing of politically significant books by unknown foreign authors – either by directly subsidizing the author, if covert contact is feasible, or indirectly, through literary agents or publishers.
The New York Times alleged in 1977 that the CIA had been involved in the publication of at least a thousand books.[1] [Emphasis added] ~ Frances Stonor Saunders
In her book The Cultural Cold War, Frances Stonor Saunders makes startling revelations regarding the CIA’s clandestine books program. Citing the Frank Church Committee and the New York Times, she states that by 1977 the CIA had published over 1000 books, including those, ironically on “indigenous national or international organizations” – which would very likely include neo-shamanism and “native revivalism”.
If you’re a reader like I am, or even if you’ve ever read a book sometime in your life, then that means you may have read a book that was written by an intelligence agent and it’s likely, as Saunders shows, that you were misled. And even though this article pertains to the CIA’s MKULTRA program and the counterculture, it will provide insight into how the CIA (and intelligence community as a whole) influences information in other books and areas – including academia – as well.
As I’ll show in this essay, by 1979 things hadn’t changed much. And even to this day it seems the CIA, et al, is cranking out propaganda in book form (along with movies, music and other forms of pop-culture). And as we’ll see, it wasn’t just in international publications, but in books and media right here at home that intentionally misled the public regarding major issues of concern.
In my study of the CIA’s MKULTRA program I made the startling discovery that all of the early books on the subject, and very many of the later ones, were written by authors of the CIA and intelligence community to misguide the public’s perception of MKULTRA and what it was (and is) really about. This may seem like an outrageous “conspiracy theory” now, but as we go along the evidence will speak for itself."
ManageDo you actually believe, Stephen Cosmos Arthur, that the CIA doesn't try to control what the public thinks through books and media?
Unfortunately you were already debunked in the citations provided to you hours ago. At the start of article 5 that was provided to you:
" ‘Books differ from all other propaganda media,’ wrote a chief of the CIA’s Covert Action Staff, ‘primarily because one single book can significantly change the reader’s attitude and action to an extent unmatched by the impact of any other single medium [such as to] make books the most important weapon of strategic (long-range) propaganda.’ The CIA’s clandestine books programme was run, according to the same source, with the following aims in mind: ‘Get books published or distributed abroad without revealing any U.S. influence, by covertly subsidizing foreign publications or booksellers. Get books published which should not be “contaminated” by any overt tie-in with the U.S. government, especially if the position of the author is “delicate”. Get books published for operational reasons, regardless of commercial viability. Initiate and subsidize indigenous national or international organizations for book publishing or distributing purposes. Stimulate the writing of politically significant books by unknown foreign authors – either by directly subsidizing the author, if covert contact is feasible, or indirectly, through literary agents or publishers.
The New York Times alleged in 1977 that the CIA had been involved in the publication of at least a thousand books.[1] [Emphasis added] ~ Frances Stonor Saunders
In her book The Cultural Cold War, Frances Stonor Saunders makes startling revelations regarding the CIA’s clandestine books program. Citing the Frank Church Committee and the New York Times, she states that by 1977 the CIA had published over 1000 books, including those, ironically on “indigenous national or international organizations” – which would very likely include neo-shamanism and “native revivalism”.
If you’re a reader like I am, or even if you’ve ever read a book sometime in your life, then that means you may have read a book that was written by an intelligence agent and it’s likely, as Saunders shows, that you were misled. And even though this article pertains to the CIA’s MKULTRA program and the counterculture, it will provide insight into how the CIA (and intelligence community as a whole) influences information in other books and areas – including academia – as well.
As I’ll show in this essay, by 1979 things hadn’t changed much. And even to this day it seems the CIA, et al, is cranking out propaganda in book form (along with movies, music and other forms of pop-culture). And as we’ll see, it wasn’t just in international publications, but in books and media right here at home that intentionally misled the public regarding major issues of concern.
In my study of the CIA’s MKULTRA program I made the startling discovery that all of the early books on the subject, and very many of the later ones, were written by authors of the CIA and intelligence community to misguide the public’s perception of MKULTRA and what it was (and is) really about. This may seem like an outrageous “conspiracy theory” now, but as we go along the evidence will speak for itself."
Jan Irvin Stephen Cosmos Arthur, again... here's this citation for you to study... read it before attacking it.
Stephen Cosmos Arthur You seem to live nowhere near Lane County Oregon and how much I've lived here for the past 10+ years and see both sides to this hippy liberal hypocritical bullshit all around me. As batshit insane and obvious all this social engineering propaganda pushing hedonistic bullshit, promiscuous debauchery is all around me, there's a silver lining and a sacredness to some issues: American Indian Rights and liberation and healing from trauma multigenerational ptsd is essential (chief Bromden's) character and psychiatric abuse / crooked pharmaceutical industry needs to end (Nurse Ratchet) & a lot of good allegories and complex illustrations of difficult social dynamics. Show me just 1 account where Ken Kesey forced LSD on anyone. Jan irvin. I DARE YOU!
Stephen Cosmos Arthur THIS WILL ALWAYS be the most benevolent baby in the bathwater of Ken Kesey's work: Chief Broom Bromden's (halfbreed's ) inner struggle
Jan Irvin Stephen Cosmos Arthur And never mind that Kesey peddled drugs for the CIA, did "Acid tests", ruined millions of people's lives, and sold propaganda for the Company. His wife says he had a good character. That's all the thinking we should do.
Appeal to wife... Nough said. Kaboom. Jan must be wrong because wife says he was a great, wonderful guy!
ManageAppeal to wife... Nough said. Kaboom. Jan must be wrong because wife says he was a great, wonderful guy!
Jan Irvin Stephen Cosmos Arthur Forced LSD on anyone... ok, hmmm, well, he did CIA "Acid Tests" to unwittingly fool people whether or not he hog tied them and dosed them.
Your brain is all screwy in how you comprehend facts and information. You love straw man arguments.
It's irrelevant if I live in Oregon. I'm capable of reading and studying just as you are. Why don't you try doing so?
It's clear he's your hero and you'll do no further thinking whatsoever.
ManageYour brain is all screwy in how you comprehend facts and information. You love straw man arguments.
It's irrelevant if I live in Oregon. I'm capable of reading and studying just as you are. Why don't you try doing so?
It's clear he's your hero and you'll do no further thinking whatsoever.
Jan Irvin Stephen Cosmos Arthur - dude, please, read this article... try to comprehend the OPERATION and what MKULTRA was! MKULTRA was the COUNTERCULTURE ITSELF. Last time I post it for you. It's turning into a-typical tail chasing, where you refuse to look at any new information and you go in circles with what you were told to believe without fact checking.
Stephen Cosmos Arthur Okay Jan Irvin since given Ken Kesey ruined lives and did nothing to advocate and dissuade moderation and pushed hedonistic absolute excess to wreck America for the LSD I'm sure you see nothing in value of the other non-drug spirituality either from the likes of Gary Snyder
Thank you for watching my Video !…
Stephen Cosmos Arthur Ken Kesey is not my hero. I have no place in the good old network of free mason bullshit around Lane County Oregon. Its a hypocritical shithole for SJW Hillary Clinton Supporters as with the Bay area, except here its even more white liberal fraudsters and fakes pushing all the agendas you claim that's fucked about its roots in 60's counterculture. I'm just here for the cheap organic produce and the tiny Shangri La feeling I get from freewild Himalayan Blacberries. The libtard sjw with money for art barely notice my art because they're yuppy snobs and I denounce homosexuality.
Stephen Cosmos Arthur Some ofmy posts aren't all about strawman arguments and claims of hero veneration, they're to incite a condensed set oflinks to your work based on the devil's advocacy of my imagination, not belief or delusions. I do appreciate your scholarly tenacity Jan Irvin. thank you
Stephen Cosmos Arthur Its totally relevant to observe and talk to someone with an eyewitness conversation, to pay attention to the social experiments like burning man or the similar Oregon country fair andyou know damn well you have guests & interviews with people who do that.
Stephen Cosmos Arthur NOVELS ARE SUBJECTIVE, I shared with you what I perceived about 1 Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest and it doesn't INvalidate nor dispute you nor your buddy describing the free mason imagery. MY BRAIN isn't any more or less screwy than YOURS. I just have different angle YOU think I worship these 60's celebrities as absolute Idols when I'm a fellow generation X'er (born 1971)aware of how void the spoiled babyboomer bullshit is bankrupt
Jan Irvin Stephen Cosmos Arthur, you're clueless about the history. Did you even bother to read ANYTHING we gave you or watch ANYTHING? Or do you just tail chase? A witness in his own family obviously isn't going to say upfront: "yeah, he was an agent, and sold drugs for the CIA on a bus to ruin the youth's lives">
Your brain allows you to be in a state of cognitive dissonance where your hero worship fails to get you to see the larger agenda of the 60s Counterculture and drug movement and how people like Kesey and Leary were key agents in selling the CIA's drugs to the public.
You think Kesey was describing how awful society was, when in reality he was selling neo-feudalism, the archaic revival.
How he treated his wife and children is irrelevant to his going around on a bus (or half a dozen actually) and peddling drugs to destroy young lives.
The drugs cause hyper suggestion, not true freedom or religiosity.
Your being born in that generation is irrelevant to the fact that ya'll were duped by a bunch of CIA agents peddling drugs for the man to mind control your ass.
You don't understand how the entire purpose of the CIA and government selling you these drugs was to destroy the family and create extended adolescence. You don't see the agenda because you don't think outside your narrow box in how you perceive the information.
Joe was clearly of that generation too, and, again, your point is irrelevant to the facts.
You actually think a bunch of dudes going around peddling LSD and other drugs for the CIA actually had your best interests at heart. That's foolish and delusional.
Wake up and stop with your dreamy, drugged out nonsense and realize for once in your life that all that hippie dippy bullshit was mind control to get you to waist your life chasing empty, drugged out dreams, rather than building a real future and family. Look how nostalgic you are fort his crap. Read it and move on. Don't pine over a bunch of CIA douche bags. Have the intelligence to read and study the works already given you and to study the others you haven't studied yet.
Here, this is a good start for you.
ManageYour brain allows you to be in a state of cognitive dissonance where your hero worship fails to get you to see the larger agenda of the 60s Counterculture and drug movement and how people like Kesey and Leary were key agents in selling the CIA's drugs to the public.
You think Kesey was describing how awful society was, when in reality he was selling neo-feudalism, the archaic revival.
How he treated his wife and children is irrelevant to his going around on a bus (or half a dozen actually) and peddling drugs to destroy young lives.
The drugs cause hyper suggestion, not true freedom or religiosity.
Your being born in that generation is irrelevant to the fact that ya'll were duped by a bunch of CIA agents peddling drugs for the man to mind control your ass.
You don't understand how the entire purpose of the CIA and government selling you these drugs was to destroy the family and create extended adolescence. You don't see the agenda because you don't think outside your narrow box in how you perceive the information.
Joe was clearly of that generation too, and, again, your point is irrelevant to the facts.
You actually think a bunch of dudes going around peddling LSD and other drugs for the CIA actually had your best interests at heart. That's foolish and delusional.
Wake up and stop with your dreamy, drugged out nonsense and realize for once in your life that all that hippie dippy bullshit was mind control to get you to waist your life chasing empty, drugged out dreams, rather than building a real future and family. Look how nostalgic you are fort his crap. Read it and move on. Don't pine over a bunch of CIA douche bags. Have the intelligence to read and study the works already given you and to study the others you haven't studied yet.
Here, this is a good start for you.
Jan Irvin None of your points, Stephen Cosmos Arthur, make ANY sense, if you actually take in all of the evidence we've presented on MKULTRA, et al.
"Some ofmy posts aren't all about strawman arguments and claims of hero veneration,.." yeah, but most of them are.
Manage"Some ofmy posts aren't all about strawman arguments and claims of hero veneration,.." yeah, but most of them are.
Jan Irvin Stephen Cosmos Arthur
" Okay Jan Irvin since given Ken Kesey ruined lives and did nothing to advocate and dissuade moderation and pushed hedonistic absolute excess to wreck America for the LSD I'm sure you see nothing in value of the other non-drug spirituality either from the likes of Gary Snyder"
Now you're just completely delusional. Gary Snyder was a key CIA agent behind the Summer of Love, professor of English at UC Davis, a fraud. Worked with agents Alan Watts, Tim Leary, and Allen Ginsberg - the infamous pedoph9ile, etc, organizating the whole thing on how to MIND FUCK the youth.
Gary Snyder is an EXPOSED AGENT.
A message from the Hippie-Elders: The Houseboat Summit --1967
We've covered this houseboat Summit nonsense, even went to the docks there on the bay, covering this whole agenda with Snyder, et al., quite extensively.
Just because Snyder, or Kesey, or Leary saved a puppy sometime in their lives does not mean that they weren't despicable human beings.
Here's your agent Snyder in the database, with all the usual connections to other CIA monstrosities.
Manage" Okay Jan Irvin since given Ken Kesey ruined lives and did nothing to advocate and dissuade moderation and pushed hedonistic absolute excess to wreck America for the LSD I'm sure you see nothing in value of the other non-drug spirituality either from the likes of Gary Snyder"
Now you're just completely delusional. Gary Snyder was a key CIA agent behind the Summer of Love, professor of English at UC Davis, a fraud. Worked with agents Alan Watts, Tim Leary, and Allen Ginsberg - the infamous pedoph9ile, etc, organizating the whole thing on how to MIND FUCK the youth.
Gary Snyder is an EXPOSED AGENT.
A message from the Hippie-Elders: The Houseboat Summit --1967
We've covered this houseboat Summit nonsense, even went to the docks there on the bay, covering this whole agenda with Snyder, et al., quite extensively.
Just because Snyder, or Kesey, or Leary saved a puppy sometime in their lives does not mean that they weren't despicable human beings.
Here's your agent Snyder in the database, with all the usual connections to other CIA monstrosities.
Thank you for watching my Video !…
Jan Irvin BTW, selling Primacy of Consciousness, eastern philosophy and religion as mind control was a key operation behind what Aldous Huxley and his crew did... That includes agents Alan Watts of British MI6, Jiddu Krishnamurti, Gary Snyder, Tim Leary and the Book of the Dead with Rammed Ass and the others. Allen Ginsberg sold this shit too.
You're looking right at the CORE of the CIA's MKULTRA program and attack on the youth... all the sex drugs and partying that you think was actually freedom, Stephen Cosmos Arthur Space Cadet guy.
Oh, but Gary Snyder talked about Buddhism, so it must be wonderful!
Here's what Leary's Harvard / CIA professor had to say about it:
"It is probably no accident that the society which most consistently encouraged the use of these substances, India, produced one of the sickest social orders ever created by mankind in which thinking men spent their time lost in the Buddha position under the influence of drugs exploring consciousness, while poverty, disease, social discrimination, and superstition reached their highest and most organised form in all history.[127]"
~ David McClelland
It's time to WAKE UP Stephen!
You're looking right at the CORE of the CIA's MKULTRA program and attack on the youth... all the sex drugs and partying that you think was actually freedom, Stephen Cosmos Arthur Space Cadet guy.
Oh, but Gary Snyder talked about Buddhism, so it must be wonderful!
Here's what Leary's Harvard / CIA professor had to say about it:
"It is probably no accident that the society which most consistently encouraged the use of these substances, India, produced one of the sickest social orders ever created by mankind in which thinking men spent their time lost in the Buddha position under the influence of drugs exploring consciousness, while poverty, disease, social discrimination, and superstition reached their highest and most organised form in all history.[127]"
~ David McClelland
It's time to WAKE UP Stephen!
Jan Irvin I get the distinct feeling that you actually believe that you have the facts of what sort of personality makes up a CIA agent, and if you can find a recording of a wife or family member saying how "nice" they were, well, then that means they couldn't be an agent. Not sure how you'd come up with such a baseless notion, Stephen Cosmos Arthur. Do you think agents walk around in black suits with a sign that says "I'm an asshole agent"?
They're generally people who are excellent at social / public relations and they're generally what we refer to as "lifetime actors".
Most are, in fact, psychopaths.
“You know, I really am a psychopath.” “I know you are,” replied [Charles] Slack, “but I’m one too.” “You aren’t in my league at all,” Leary said.[118]
But Leary, Kesey and these others all had a public persona given to them to follow by guys like Marshal McLuhan:
“To dispel fear you must use your public image. You are the basic product endorser. Whenever you are photographed, smile. Wave reassuringly. Radiate courage. Never complain or appear angry. It’s okay if you come off as flamboyant and eccentric. You’re a professor, after all. But a confident attitude is the best advertisement. You must be known for your smile.”
[…] “You’re going to win the war, Timothy. Eventually. But you’re going to lose some major battles on the way. You’re not going to overthrow the Protestant Ethic in a couple years.[…][110] [emphasis added] ~Timothy Leary in a conversation with Marshal McLuhan
Selling products... LSD, drugs, to youth.
But oh! Stephen says they were so nice! Such nice people, they couldn't do bad things, cause... well, Zane and Mom Kesey say what a nice papa Daddy Kesey was, so therefore, we just stop thinking. Cause the CIA would never hire "nice" people... Lulz!
"I proceeded as an intelligence agent since 1962, understanding that the next war for control of this planet and beyond, had to do with the control of consciousness."
[...] "Yes," he answered strongly. "I was a witting agent of the CIA..."
[...] "So, you work for the Central Intelligence Agency?" I asked. "Is it the Deputy Director of Plans you work for? Who makes out your checks?"
"It's none of your business to know how those things work. I'll answer you no questions that have to do with business. I'll answer you any question about history or people..."[55]
~ Walter Bowart interviewing Timothy Leary
"He [Leary] wrote a widely acclaimed psychology textbook and devised a personality test called ""The Leary," which was used by the CIA, among other organizations, to test prospective employees.[121]"
~ Martin Lee and Bruce Shlain
Oh, so much for that.
So an admitted psychopath promoting LSD for the CIA wrote the entrance exam for the CIA to find people good at lying and who're ...well, psychopaths, to play the roll of lifetime actors... got it.
And of course psychopaths know how to act and pretend to be nice... that's what they do since they have no emotion or empathy themselves.
ManageThey're generally people who are excellent at social / public relations and they're generally what we refer to as "lifetime actors".
Most are, in fact, psychopaths.
“You know, I really am a psychopath.” “I know you are,” replied [Charles] Slack, “but I’m one too.” “You aren’t in my league at all,” Leary said.[118]
But Leary, Kesey and these others all had a public persona given to them to follow by guys like Marshal McLuhan:
“To dispel fear you must use your public image. You are the basic product endorser. Whenever you are photographed, smile. Wave reassuringly. Radiate courage. Never complain or appear angry. It’s okay if you come off as flamboyant and eccentric. You’re a professor, after all. But a confident attitude is the best advertisement. You must be known for your smile.”
[…] “You’re going to win the war, Timothy. Eventually. But you’re going to lose some major battles on the way. You’re not going to overthrow the Protestant Ethic in a couple years.[…][110] [emphasis added] ~Timothy Leary in a conversation with Marshal McLuhan
Selling products... LSD, drugs, to youth.
But oh! Stephen says they were so nice! Such nice people, they couldn't do bad things, cause... well, Zane and Mom Kesey say what a nice papa Daddy Kesey was, so therefore, we just stop thinking. Cause the CIA would never hire "nice" people... Lulz!
"I proceeded as an intelligence agent since 1962, understanding that the next war for control of this planet and beyond, had to do with the control of consciousness."
[...] "Yes," he answered strongly. "I was a witting agent of the CIA..."
[...] "So, you work for the Central Intelligence Agency?" I asked. "Is it the Deputy Director of Plans you work for? Who makes out your checks?"
"It's none of your business to know how those things work. I'll answer you no questions that have to do with business. I'll answer you any question about history or people..."[55]
~ Walter Bowart interviewing Timothy Leary
"He [Leary] wrote a widely acclaimed psychology textbook and devised a personality test called ""The Leary," which was used by the CIA, among other organizations, to test prospective employees.[121]"
~ Martin Lee and Bruce Shlain
Oh, so much for that.
So an admitted psychopath promoting LSD for the CIA wrote the entrance exam for the CIA to find people good at lying and who're ...well, psychopaths, to play the roll of lifetime actors... got it.
And of course psychopaths know how to act and pretend to be nice... that's what they do since they have no emotion or empathy themselves.
Jan Irvin Stephen Cosmos Arthur, you must have come in here posting that absurd thread with Ken Babbs to try to attack and debunk me, not realizing what a schooling you'd get. I feel like a Harvard professor trying to school a kindergartner.
Stephen Cosmos Arthur IF YOU DON'T CONSIDER THE BASE SURVIVAL IMPULSE of what coerces/manipulates/persuades an individual to follow and become a bitch for a handler: : SAFETY of one's own brood "How he treated his wife and children" / a.k.a. sexual privileges / safety of home / a.k.a. safe habitat / a.k.a. / what Nazi Ideology calls "Blut and Boden" / Lebensraum YOU are not following the foundation of what motivates these celebrity artists to sell their souls to CIA agenda. I don't know where you follow the sequence of events in Ken's life leading him down the dark path to going along with the CIA agenda to push irresponsible insane excess and materialism, but there's a big shift following some major adversities doing jailtime, the Dairy business, (Nancy's Yogurt needing help) & His son Jed dying in a van wreck en route to a Wrestling accident. John Lennon's death had something to do with him reacting too John Lennon's Death and the Reagan / Bush agenda when Kesey was more introverted. I feel like common sense layman trying to wake up an ivory tower myopic nerd.
Jan Irvin Stephen Cosmos Arthur You're off in irrelevant lala land... if you're not capable of understanding basic concepts of agents and MANIPULATION, you're not one anyone can have a rational conversation with.
Ken went to Berkeley, got caught up in research at Palo Alto, and was offered a job with the CIA and MKULTRA... realized he could make a lot of money being a puppet for the CIA selling his agenda and duping people like you.
Oh, we should concider his whole life... No... I know he was an agent, and most agents are psychopaths. I don't need to know his whole fucking life to understand that he was an agent and destroyed millions of lives for money.
Jailtime... so what? What you don't understand is the dichotomy between local law enforcement - clueless about the CIA's going ons, and the CIA / Federal drug pushers...
Leary went to jail too, arrested in Laguna Beach, tried at OC Superior Court, went to SLO prison... that's LOCAL shit... so what? The local cops and law inforcement are NOT IN ON THE GIG... ALL OF THIS VIOLATES THE CIA CHARTER. USE YOUR BRAIN!
What the fuck does Lennon's so called staged death have anything to do with this conversation? You're all over the map... just because they're an agent doesn't mean they don't have kids and family and life happening. You're using NON-SEQUITURS... Your conclusions follow NO LOGIC WHATSOEVER.
ManageKen went to Berkeley, got caught up in research at Palo Alto, and was offered a job with the CIA and MKULTRA... realized he could make a lot of money being a puppet for the CIA selling his agenda and duping people like you.
Oh, we should concider his whole life... No... I know he was an agent, and most agents are psychopaths. I don't need to know his whole fucking life to understand that he was an agent and destroyed millions of lives for money.
Jailtime... so what? What you don't understand is the dichotomy between local law enforcement - clueless about the CIA's going ons, and the CIA / Federal drug pushers...
Leary went to jail too, arrested in Laguna Beach, tried at OC Superior Court, went to SLO prison... that's LOCAL shit... so what? The local cops and law inforcement are NOT IN ON THE GIG... ALL OF THIS VIOLATES THE CIA CHARTER. USE YOUR BRAIN!
What the fuck does Lennon's so called staged death have anything to do with this conversation? You're all over the map... just because they're an agent doesn't mean they don't have kids and family and life happening. You're using NON-SEQUITURS... Your conclusions follow NO LOGIC WHATSOEVER.
Stephen Cosmos Arthur And the real irony of trying to debunk you is that I am not really tringvto debunk you. I have no reason to doubt your findings of frauds and immoral behavior or vested interest in defending the Kesey family or any of these frauds pushing CIA propaganda in the entertainment industry having fun as a detatched and indifferent devil's advocacy to incite the highlights of your work out of you because I don't care to waste anymore money & time wading through the tomes & perplexities then I absolutely have to, when its obvious the "free love" of the 1960's ended in dystopian incarcerated hate for the 20teens.
Jan Irvin Stephen Cosmos Arthur Clearly not. It's too bad you have no interest as you claim, but you're clearly not detached, and by the way, that whole operation is alive and well today and all around you, it didn't end... and knowing where and how it came about is key to stopping it. So all you're doing then is trolling, and have no interest in facts or truth.
You've no business here at all. As if we haven't heard all of your idiotic arguments for years. You actually think that ANYTHING you've said is original? Really?
Go play devil's advocate with a Satanist who cares about your inane thoughtless comments.
ManageYou've no business here at all. As if we haven't heard all of your idiotic arguments for years. You actually think that ANYTHING you've said is original? Really?
Go play devil's advocate with a Satanist who cares about your inane thoughtless comments.
Stephen Cosmos Arthur btw Buddhism is a minority religion in India where it began. Gary Snyder is into Soto Zen. That religion Buddhism is very diverse. I linked the specific link that I lovevwhich does NOT specify Gary Snyder. Its not a bad way to look at fundemental Mahayana Buddhism for those who care to discuss it
Thank you for watching my Video !…
Jan Irvin Stephen Cosmos Arthur It's more irrelevant bullshit, as we were discussing Kesey but you go off in wild tangents... why don't you look up CIA founder Gregory Bateson's double bind and how Watts and Snyder and the rest sold it as eastern philosophy... You're all over the map. Study some critical thinking.
The Trivium method: (pertains to mind) – the…
Stephen Cosmos Arthur The most completely horrible "neo Feudalism" scene propaganda that Ken Kesey singlehandedly used to destroy America pushing a sense for Indigineous people's redemption. America is fucked because ofvthis Epic scene Joe atwill must've shit his racist pants at this.
Chief Bromden escapes, after he…
Stephen Cosmos Arthur oh this has absolutely nothing to with Chief bromdem's character
Jan Irvin Stephen Cosmos Arthur that's simply wrong... the whole promotion of drugs was all about neo-feudalism - it was called "native revivalism" by the CIA / OSS... At least read SOMETHING we've given you to study. For fuck's sake. You couldn't possibly be more ignorant.
Telling people to return to the dark ages is pretty damned bad, Stephen. That's why the CIA sold it. DUH! Seriously dude, are you really this clueless?
"To summarize these ideas further, it was weaponized anthropology being used against us and the Mazatec peoples; it was what Gregory Bateson coined as “native revivalism” being remarketed to the public – which later became the “Archaic Revival.” Prof. David Price cites Bateson’s declassified OSS memo on these ideas. Unfortunately we don’t know exactly what this “significant experiment” was, or where its findings were published. This is something that anthropologists serious about getting to the truth need to investigate and make public:
"The most significant experiment which has yet been conducted in the adjustment of relations between “superior” and “inferior” peoples is the Russian handling of their Asiatic tribes in Siberia. The findings of this experiment support very strongly the conclusion that it is very important to foster spectatorship among the superiors and exhibitionism among the inferiors. In outline, what the Russians have done is to stimulate the native peoples to undertake a native revival while they themselves admire the resulting dance festivals and other exhibitions of native culture, literature, poetry, music and so on. And the same attitude of spectatorship is then naturally extended to native achievements in production or organization. In contrast to this, where the white man thinks of himself as a model and encourages the native people to watch him in order to find out how things should be done, we find that in the end nativistic cults spring up among the native people. The system gets overweighed until some compensatory machinery is developed and then the revival of native arts, literature, etc., becomes a weapon for use against the white man (Phenomena, comparable to Ghandi’s spinning wheel may be observed in Ireland and elsewhere). If, on the other hand, the dominant people themselves stimulate native revivalism, then the system as a whole is much more stable, and the nativism cannot be used against the dominant people.[73] [emphasis added] ~ Gregory Bateson""
I seriously hope you start reading. You're so utterly clueless of any fact it's absurd. You just thoughtlessly regurgitate whatever you heard or were told on the streets and that's where your thinking ends.
ManageTelling people to return to the dark ages is pretty damned bad, Stephen. That's why the CIA sold it. DUH! Seriously dude, are you really this clueless?
"To summarize these ideas further, it was weaponized anthropology being used against us and the Mazatec peoples; it was what Gregory Bateson coined as “native revivalism” being remarketed to the public – which later became the “Archaic Revival.” Prof. David Price cites Bateson’s declassified OSS memo on these ideas. Unfortunately we don’t know exactly what this “significant experiment” was, or where its findings were published. This is something that anthropologists serious about getting to the truth need to investigate and make public:
"The most significant experiment which has yet been conducted in the adjustment of relations between “superior” and “inferior” peoples is the Russian handling of their Asiatic tribes in Siberia. The findings of this experiment support very strongly the conclusion that it is very important to foster spectatorship among the superiors and exhibitionism among the inferiors. In outline, what the Russians have done is to stimulate the native peoples to undertake a native revival while they themselves admire the resulting dance festivals and other exhibitions of native culture, literature, poetry, music and so on. And the same attitude of spectatorship is then naturally extended to native achievements in production or organization. In contrast to this, where the white man thinks of himself as a model and encourages the native people to watch him in order to find out how things should be done, we find that in the end nativistic cults spring up among the native people. The system gets overweighed until some compensatory machinery is developed and then the revival of native arts, literature, etc., becomes a weapon for use against the white man (Phenomena, comparable to Ghandi’s spinning wheel may be observed in Ireland and elsewhere). If, on the other hand, the dominant people themselves stimulate native revivalism, then the system as a whole is much more stable, and the nativism cannot be used against the dominant people.[73] [emphasis added] ~ Gregory Bateson""
I seriously hope you start reading. You're so utterly clueless of any fact it's absurd. You just thoughtlessly regurgitate whatever you heard or were told on the streets and that's where your thinking ends.
Stephen Cosmos Arthur You're mistaking native revivalism with anarcho primitivist utopian theory fantasies're not the same.
Yeti Woman by Robert Crumb
Stephen Cosmos Arthur
23:38 Notice how Joe Atwill EPICALLY FAILS to…
Stephen Cosmos Arthur CONTEXT clarification: I meant yhe consequences of false deluded "free love" of.1960's counter culture / promiscuity/lust/hedonism/immorality ending in suffering for future generations Now.. No I don't think that dirty deception ever ended, but there's sophisticated ways of sugar coating it and some suckers sre hoodwinked into perverse lifestyles are stupider & more voluntary than others.
Stephen Cosmos Arthur John Lennon ( also most likely wrapped & embedded in similar playbrat hedonism LSD pushing controlled opposition ) getting bumped off was a message and a warning to Ken Kesey to keep with the then New Reagan administration's agenda. It hurt him, was a warning. ( most likely).
Manage
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Carl Hassell Joe Dubs, I too,would be irritated if I was Jan,as his "Manufacturing.." is a master work. Regarless of the few times Jans name is mentioned, It could have been handled better.
Manage
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Meester McLachlan Will original content be victims of googlebot tomfoolery? I can see this being a big copywrite 'loophole' - no person even required to rewrite. Auto re-arrangers / grammar substitution.
Meester McLachlan Holy crap that's basic knowledge about plagarism. What's wrong with people.
:( I would be mad as hell too Jan.
Manage

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Meester McLachlan Mention of Deadhead culture by World class drummer Billy Cobham : So there I am, sitting correctly at the drums. I'm able
to see what everybody is doing, I'm giving and getting cues from the rest
of the band. I'm not in this alone; I've got to see eve...See More
Manageto see what everybody is doing, I'm giving and getting cues from the rest
of the band. I'm not in this alone; I've got to see eve...See More
Hans Mittendorf
How the secret Societies lie to the public about their manipulation of the polls and media.
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