Sunday, August 23, 2020

Chatting with White Superamcists on GAB

 DRAFT: Beginnings of an open series of statements to racial separetists and supremacists: Interesting. I hope all you extreme racial separatists and segregationists simply unite with your ethnic groups( as an alternative to wage war on dark skinned people), Simply depart voluntarily from North America and South America especially in a massive peaceful exodus back to Northern Europe if you're White(especially much of the vast Russian Taiga and Tundra, and back to Africa reclaiming the Vast Sahara if you're black. That way you';d have the climate of your traditional ancestors where you evolved with these different features suited to those climates (before we had air conditioning and indoor heating)., and do your parts restoring and reclaiming that territory into Oases. There's nothing wrong with consolidating the pure part of one's ethnic heritage and knowing one's ancestor's accomplishments, morality, and ethics, the problem is the dirty tricks of subjugation, humiliation, and slavery done as "the spoils of war" to one's ancestors to the point where one forgets! I agree for some people a certain amount of Racial seperatisim is certainly necessary. "Tribes of Europe by John Trudell" Why can't some total extreme white supremacists pay attention to how other "races" or "people of color" or whatever consolidate their pure better moral tradtions of "their people" and apply that to their own like this "Wellbriety Movment" which Indians do "The Teaching to Stop the Transfer of Trauma" ? The Vikings the Scandinavians, certain Celtic and the old tribal pagan ways and certain better forms of Christianity (outside of the Roman Catholic Church) were kinder, better, proud parts of our white heritage that need some kind of consolidation, some kind of better way to "perceive reality". BTW, for those who are curious: I am the product of "race mixing" I didn't choose my parents. (some distant American Indian and half "pure" distant Swiss Mennonite Germanic Alemannic Swiss heritage (from the canton of Bern) considered pure "Aryan" by nazi standards (which I deplore). The purity of better kinder heritage and lifestyle, and ethnic pride of my ancestors is a bit flawed. I attribute this not to "race mixing" , rather the digression and devolution of previous generations in the United States.

11 News Species Of Sponges Discovered In Galapagos But Still Only One Species Of 'Human' | Christians for Truth

Thirty new marine species have been discovered in the depths of the Galapagos archipelago, its National Park management announced on Monday: They include four species…
Christians for Truth
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National Socialists
@zamolxis @LodiSilverado
Dear White separatists or Nazis, or whatever you want to call yourselves: Once again worth repeating : the other opposite extreme of your idea of a society forbidding "interspecies breeding" (that great experiment apartheid and Jim crow laws turned out to be)., is inbreeding and incest. Why would you find either preferable? . For those of you as belittling and condescending to me as Lodi Silverado is at the notion of an integrated society to the point of calling people of non-white heritage and me as "chimps" "in a zoo cage" from "shitholes" I'd sure love to see and hear some evidence of your great all white homeland communities that actually have some semblance of trying to heal past generational trauma of subjugated and persecuted White communites ( the Roman Empire followed by the Roman catholic church) like maybe along the lines of how American Indians in the Wellbriety movement are determined to heal their own. Maybe study White Indigineous Culture (like Nordic Shamanism)? And maybe then you'd have some sense of rational moral and ethical diplomacy with non-white nations or non-white communities (with no chance of accidently interspecies breeding mishaps). I get the rhetoric for racial separatism in certain cases. Some of you are fond of Japanese.and use their total black hair and slanty eyes as total proof of a good racially seperate sovereign nation and I kind of agree. I'm a a little impressed by some Anabaptist communities if they weren't pacifists (if such exist) and some Mormons like the ones that took a stand against the Mexican drug cartels. Sweden is doing right without mask requirements now. re: Species. dictionary link What a contrast how the word "species" is used
Eric Dondero
Eric Dondero
National Socialists
@zamolxis It is utterly absurd to say we are all the same species. We have 350,000 years if separate evolution on entirely different continents, in vastly different environments.
Eric Dondero
Eric Dondero
National Socialists
@zamolxis We are a number of subspecies of modern Homo sapiens
National Socialists
@zamolxis Interesting. I hope all you extreme racial separatists and segregationists simply unite with your ethnic groups( as an alternative to wage war on dark skinned people), Simply depart voluntarily from North America in a massive peaceful exodus back to Northern Europe if you're White(especially much of the vast Russian Taiga and Tundra, and back to Africa reclaiming the Vast Sahara if you're black. That way you';d have the climate of your traditional spiralcosmosart<a href="" class="u-url mention" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">@zamolxis</a> Interesting. I hope all you extreme racial separatists and segregationists simply unite with your ethnic groups( as an alternative to wage war on dark skinned people), Simply depart voluntarily from North America in a massive peaceful exodus back to Northern Europe if you're White(especially much of the vast Russian Taiga and Tundra, and back to Africa reclaiming the Vast Sahara if you're black. That way you';d have the climate of your traditional ancestors where you evolved with these different features suited to those climates (before we had air conditioning and indoor heating)., and do your parts restoring and reclaiming that territory into Oases. There's nothing wrong with consolidating the pure part of one's ethnic heritage and knowing one's ancestor's accomplishments, morality, and ethics, the problem is the dirty tricks of subjugation, humiliation, and slavery done as "the spoils of war" to one's ancestors to the point where one forgets! I agree for some people a certain amount of Racial seperatisim is certainly necessary. "Tribes of Europe by John Trudell" <a href="" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target="_blank"><span class="invisible">https://www.</span><span class="invisible"></span></a> Why can't some total extreme white supremacists pay attention to how other "races" or "people of color" or whatever consolidate their pure better moral tradtions of "their people" and apply that to their own like this "Wellbriety Movment" which Indians do "The Teaching to Stop the Transfer of Trauma" <a href="" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target="_blank"><span class="invisible">https://www.</span><span class="invisible"></span></a> ? The Vikings the Scandinavians, certain Celtic and the old tribal pagan ways and certain better forms of Christianity (outside of the Roman Catholic Church) were kinder, better, proud parts of our white heritage that need some kind of consolidation, some kind of better way to "perceive reality".
Crowley<a href="" class="u-url mention" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">@spiralcosmosart</a> <a href="" class="u-url mention" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">@zamolxis</a> I never left Europe, my ancestors decided to stick it out instead of running away at the first sign of hardship.
Lodi SilveradoGuess what. The original indigenous Americans were White. So go fuck yourself. <a href="" class="u-url mention" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">@spiralcosmosart</a> <a href="" class="u-url mention" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">@zamolxis</a> <br /><br /><a href="" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target="_blank"><span class="invisible">http://</span><span class="invisible">ing-original-native-americans-were-white/</span><span class="ellipsis"></span></a>
National Socialists
@LodiSilverado @zamolxis duly noting who drew 1st Ad-hominem-insult-blood here in this discussion and series of questions. I would've just read the article you link to without your reminder that certain card carrying staunch white supremacists would probably want me to fuck myself no matter what I ask, and no matter what I say where we agree.
National Socialists
@LodiSilverado @zamolxis That article seems totally plausible and reasonable and I don't have a problem with it at all. What does that article mean to neo-nazis if its true? That your dreams for world domination and finishing what Hitler Started won't entail more genocide to American Indians in North and South America? Or if false? That you want to finish what White supremacy has already started in the Americas which was Total disrespect and genocide for these indigineous Americans, or as you putit this "other species" because its tainted and downgraded for being an undesirable species?
Lodi Silverado
Lodi Silverado
National Socialists
First, I am anti-socialist, so you can stick the neo-Nazi label up your ass like the rest of your racist anti-White innuendo. Second, the current attempts at world supremacy are coming from assholes like you who want 3rd World shit holers to kick the Whites out of the most advanced civilization mankind has ever created, a civilization developed and built, yes, by Whites. Somehow in your low IQ mental turgidity you have settled into an idea that you can take over Civilization and remake it in an image more familiar to you -- a shit hole, just like the best your subhuman relatives have managed in the last 30,000 years.

The correct solution for current events is that you shit holers are returned to your shit holes outside the boundaries of the civilization Whites built, rather than for Whites, as you fantasize, to move over and be genocided to make room for your ignoble savage infestation. What you do in your shit holes abroad, once returned there, is entirely your business. Don't expect any more help from Whites. You can reliably expect to starve, on your own, the way you were when we found you.

Finally, contrary to your paranoid accusations, I do not wish genocide on subhumans. I am against animal cruelty. I just don't want to live in a stinking zoo with chimps like you. When the time comes, and it isn't so far off as you may like to imagine, you will not be *asked* to leave. You will be *motivated* to leave. @spiralcosmosart @zamolxis
National Socialists
@LodiSilverado @zamolxis FYI AT least 7/8ths of my D.N.A is from White Europe and 1/2 is Alemannic German ethnic group of Switzerland. (Direct Mennonites from the Canton of Bern as early as 300 years ago, but I live in the U.S.A. So you might want to re-think about which part of my ancestors did what and where and whether or not I am "ignoble savage" re: "current attempts at world supremacy are coming from assholes like [me] who want 3rd World shit holers to kick the Whites out of the most advanced civilization mankind has ever created, a civilization developed and built, yes, by Whites" I really don't want 3rd world shitholers to kick whites out of the United States. I am for the most part anti-immigration, but I do want whites who are absolutely determined to be absolutely segregated from "people of darker skin color" - your definition of subspecies inferiors, to eat YOUR rhetoric and go either go re-claim Europe if you're White -- OR-- and the same for Black racial seperatists to go back to Africa. If you absolutely are determined to live in the USA while retaining this racial seperatism or supremacist ideology, than it really should be a simple matter of dissuading voluntarily (Non aggression principle) each and every incompatible breeding scenario of "inter-species breeding" by teaching women to voluntarily resist and dissuade rape (with the 2nd Amendment of the Constitution in self defense) and voluntarily being repulsed at the notion of seduction and impregnation with such non-species. That should be non-violent and the truth will prevail if your ideology is valid. You wouldn't need any apartheid nor Jim Crow laws, you'd simply out breed the "darker" skinned peoples like the Mormons were doing for a long time before their little incestuous inbred polygamous scandals kind of made them look stupid.

@zamolxis White and black ain't the same species. Arabs ain't the same species as whites chinese ain't the same as blacks
National Socialists
@Bridgetthemudget @zamolxis So how do you explain how and why they inter-mate and interbreed many generations? Are you saying all that intermating is a total parasite abomination? What's the big deal if these interracial unions are loving adult consenting (between a man and woman), moral, and don't abuse their children?
Lodi Silverado
Lodi Silverado
National Socialists
Yeah, inter-species breeding is a downgrade for the more evolved species. Keep your 18th Century notions of taxonomy to your local leftard club. @spiralcosmosart @Bridgetthemudget @zamolxis
National Socialists
@LodiSilverado @Bridgetthemudget @zamolxis I think our idea of what constitutes a non-human species and merit of a species differs, but I really do agree with your statement that "inter-species" breeding is a downgrade "from the more evolved species" Where we differ is that I am more concerned about "how" and "why" compatible "breeding" is arranged or "how" and "why" non-compatible "breeding" is prevented and forbidden, or highly frowned upon when it happens. Even within all that you consider pure "master race" / "White European" or "White Aryan" as defined by Adolf Hitler . . . there is diversity within that "master race". There really is. They're not all blonde blue eyes, nor totally incapable of getting a suntan. So there would have to be somekind of arrangement to prevent the opposite extreme of interspecies breeding which is---> incest and inbreeding (which produces all sorts of metal retardation and defects). Think about it. Put that in your pipe and smoke it.

National Socialists
@LodiSilverado @Bridgetthemudget @zamolxis I think our idea of what constitutes a non-human species and merit of a species differs, but I really do agree with your statement that "inter-species" breeding is a downgrade "from the more evolved species" Where we differ is that I am more concerned about "how" and "why" compatible "breeding" is arranged or "how" and "why" non-compatible "breeding" is prevented and forbidden, or highly frowned upon when it happens. Even within all that you consider pure "master race" / "White European" or "White Aryan" as defined by Adolf Hitler . . . there is diversity within that "master race". There really is. They're not all blonde blue eyes, nor totally incapable of getting a suntan. So there would have to be somekind of arrangement to prevent the opposite extreme of interspecies breeding which is---> incest and inbreeding (which produces all sorts of metal retardation and defects). Think about it. Put that in your pipe and smoke it.

National Socialists
@LodiSilverado @zamolxis FYI AT least 7/8ths of my D.N.A is from White Europe and 1/2 is Alemannic German ethnic group of Switzerland. (Direct Mennonites from the Canton of Bern as early as 300 years ago, but I live in the U.S.A. So you might want to re-think about which part of my ancestors did what and where and whether or not I am "ignoble savage" re: "current attempts at world supremacy are coming from assholes like [me] who want 3rd World shit holers to kick the Whites out of the most advanced civilization mankind has ever created, a civilization developed and built, yes, by Whites" I really don't want 3rd world shitholers to kick whites out of the United States. I am for the most part anti-immigration, but I do want whites who are absolutely determined to be absolutely segregated from "people of darker skin color" - your definition of subspecies inferiors, to eat YOUR rhetoric and go either go re-claim Europe if you're White -- OR-- and the same for Black racial seperatists to go back to Africa. If you absolutely are determined to live in the USA while retaining this racial seperatism or supremacist ideology, than it really should be a simple matter of dissuading voluntarily (Non aggression principle) each and every incompatible breeding scenario of "inter-species breeding" by teaching women to voluntarily resist and dissuade rape (with the 2nd Amendment of the Constitution in self defense) and voluntarily being repulsed at the notion of seduction and impregnation with such non-species. That should be non-violent and the truth will prevail if your ideology is valid. You wouldn't need any apartheid nor Jim Crow laws, you'd simply out breed the "darker" skinned peoples like the Mormons were doing for a long time before their little incestuous inbred polygamous scandals kind of made them look stupid.

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